Domain Authority: How Do I Get It?
Domain authority is a search engine ranking score that provides a measure of how successful your site is regarding search engine results. It provides an overview of likely search engine performance. Domain authority gives a score from 1-100, and if your website has a high score, then your website has a better chance of performing well on search engine result pages (SERPs).
You can also think of domain authority as a way of showing you how relevant your site is in respect to your industry or a specific topic. You can also view the strength or authority of your domain in terms of rankings.
If you would like to know how to get domain authority, keep reading to learn different ways.
How Do I Get It?
Acquire High-Quality Backlinks
Backlinks, also known as inbound links, incoming links, or one way links, are links from one webpage to a page on another website. They play a major part in calculating domain authority and are one of the two most vital ranking factors. It has been shown that 55.24% of websites do not get organic traffic because they do not have backlinks. So, it is safe to say you need high-quality backlinks. Pages that have a high number of backlinks generally have high organic search engine rankings.
There are many ways to get backlinks to improve your link profile. Begin by looking at your top referral sources and then find similar sites for backlink opportunities. To discover what your top backlink sources are, you can use MonsterInsights, which is the best WordPress Google Analytics plugin that shows you a detailed report on your dashboard.
In-Coming Traffic
A website with high domain authority is likely to receive high incoming-traffic. However, the total amount of traffic is not going to determine your search rankings. Nevertheless, it does play a major part in where your website appears in search results. In other words, the more popular your website is, the better.
Many users will come to your website through direct traffic, which are visits with no referring websites. Direct traffic is crucial to your ranking and the most influential. In other words, when a lot of users visit a website directly, a signal is sent to Google stating that the domain has high authority and value.
Ongoing Content Writing
One way to increase your domain authority is by continuously writing content on your website. Make it an effort and a priority to create content that is so good other sites will find it and link to it instinctively. Include a great keyword-targeted post that ranks. By doing so, a blogger or business wanting to write about that topic will find your post in their exploration and hopefully link back to your site in their post.
Google Lighthouse
Creating a well-built website that scores good on Google Lighthouse will help you achieve domain authority. Google Lighthouse is a free, open-source tool that was created to help improve a website’s performance. Anyone can use it on any webpage, and it assesses the availability and SEO of your webpage, focusing on core web vitals. Core web vitals are a group of metrics that Google created to measure a web page’s speed and total user experience. These metrics are essential for website owners who want to offer a good user experience and rank higher on Google.
When using Google Lighthouse, you give it a URL to assess, it runs a series of assessments against the page, and then provides you with a report on how well the page did. Once you have the report, you can use the assessments that failed as an indicator on how to improve the page.
Domain Names and URLs
When it comes to domain names, keep in mind that search engines do use the keywords in them as a ranking factor.
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator), also known as a web address, identifies the location of a resource on the internet. It also indicates how to retrieve that resource. When creating a URL, include a domain name that is memorable and short but easy to remember, easy to type, and easy to say. Not only is it important for word-of-mouth advertising because visitors will need to visit your domain directly, but also because it matters for processing fluency. Due to search engine’s growing dependence on accessibility and usability as a ranking factor, the easier a domain/URL is to read for people, the better it is for search engines.
Therefore, when developing a URL, include the service you provide or region you are in to maximize search engine-referred traffic and to get domain authority. If you can include a keyword, such as your service, that makes it clear what your business does all while keeping it catchy, unique, and brand-friendly do it! Just remember to steer clear of domain names that could be considered keyword-rich or keyword-targeted. These types of domain names used to influence ranking factor; however, they tend to be associated with low-quality content. This means searchers and search engines now view these keyword-dense domain names with a negative bias.
Domain authority is vital in the success of your business. If you would like more information on domain authority and how you can get it, contact Intergetik Marketing Solutions. We would love to chat with you and see how our services can best benefit you and your business. Call us at (314) 749-0492 today!