Using Marketing Automation Tools Effectively

Using Marketing Automation Tools Effectively

If you have been using marketing automation tools, do you think you are using them effectively? Have you seen an increase in output or growth in your business? If your answer is no, then it is time to learn how to use marketing tools effectively to help your business succeed. 

Consider Your Marketing Automation Needs

The first thing you need to do is look at your marketing strategy and your most obvious goals. This will help you uncover where you would benefit the most from automation tools. If you think that all areas of your marketing campaigns and communications need automation, then investing in an all-around tool could be the best choice for you. 

However, if there are specific areas you want to improve, then working with a more specialist tool would be your best bet. In other words, take the time to completely understand your automation needs prior to committing to one or more tools. 

Proof Check Everything–Always!

Nothing and no one are perfect, even technology! Therefore, always look over everything before giving it the okay. When working with content generation tools, make sure that everything reads naturally, provides value, and is factually and grammatically correct. 

If you are using content scheduling tools, make sure everything is set for the correct times and dates. If a part of the content is released at the wrong time, confusion could occur, and a negative result could happen. It can also waste your time and decrease your ROI in the process. 

Keep Up to Date with the Latest Marketing News and Trends

Having knowledge of the latest trends and marketing news is a good idea so your marketing automation efforts stay effective, and you are using the best tools for the job. When you stay up to date with relevant technology and marketing publications, you will be at the forefront of cutting-edge marketing automation. As a result, you are giving yourself the tools and knowledge to get the most value from your initiatives. 

Do Not Rely Too Much on Your Tools

Instead of relying too much on your automation tools to carry out tasks and analyze data or produce content, use them to improve your current efforts. This will give you more time to come up with effective strategies and to be creative. 

Having a balanced outlook to marketing automation tools will result in success that is maintainable. It will also guarantee all your marketing communications are consistent, value-driven, and are on the same page as your brand identity. 


Marketing automation tools are all about getting the most value from all your digital marketing activities. The question is, how bad do you need these features? All that depends on your marketing strategy and business goals. If you are just starting out, it would be wise to pick one that has a trial offer. This way you can test it out to make sure it offers what you need for your business. 

There is a lot to do in terms of marketing your business. You need a system that allows you to streamline your digital marketing. When used strategically, many of the automation tools available will help you save money and time, all at the same time boosting your ROI. 

Intergetik Marketing Solutions is here to help you determine which automation tool or tools will work best for you and the needs of your business. Our expert staff wants to help you save money and free up time that is needed in other areas of your business. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you!