How Boosting Facebook Posts Grows Your Audience––For Cheap

Advertising is often seen as a long-term payoff opportunity. It goes something like this: someone sees your brand, stores it in the back of their mind, and potential remembers you when they need to buy something like it. Sound familiar? Paying to grow your audience on Facebook works a little differently. Think instant feedback for you and recurring reminders for your audience. It’s an easier and better way of marketing, but there’s still an art to getting it right. Here’s a breakdown of how boosting Facebook posts is a cost-effective way to build an audience.

Your audience is on Facebook. How much of the pie do you want?

Building an audience for your brand is no small task. You need to know when to post, what to post, and how to convert likes into sales. We all know that Facebook has your audience on their platform, but how do you engage them in the best way? Boosted posts are a great way to grow your audience.

Even if your business does have a big following, that doesn’t mean your posts will get a lot of likes. Did you know that Facebook doesn’t even show your posts to the majority of your followers? Facebook is inundated with people and business making posts. Most users don’t spend enough time on their news feeds to see all of these posts. So, Facebook shows the posts that are most likely to engage users. These are posts like pregnancy announcements, marriage announcement, idyllic vacation photos. Your updated store hours, when in competition with those, won’t get much attention.

Boosting a post gives it a higher priority in Facebook’s algorithm and will reach many more people.

Think about it from Facebook’s perspective. If you’re marketing on Facebook, Facebook wants something out of it. To prioritize your business’ posts alongside weddings and babies, you’re going to have to pay for it.

Boosting Facebook posts aren’t as expensive as you think. And they work.

You can spend as little as a dollar a day to boost a post. You might not get the results you’ve always dreamed of, but it’s a good start. The more you spend to boost a post, the more people are going to see it. This applies to both your followers and potential new followers. As mentioned, Facebook only shows your posts to a small portion of your following. You can reach more of your followers through boosted posts. You can also target specific audiences, that aren’t already your follower, through boosted posts. Regular posts rely on your followers to share it to reach beyond your follower base. A boosted post allows you to skip that step.

Do you want to do boosted posts right?

There’s a lot of moving parts that factor into a good social media presence. No one knows your business like you do, but outside help can help give you that competitive edge you might be missing. Intergetik can help you make the most out of the money you spend on boosted posts. Take your business to the next level and contact them at 314-749-0492 or send us a message here.