How Often Should You Post?

As a business owner, you want to attract as many potential customers as possible. You want to inform your current and future customers about your products you already sell and ones that will be on the market soon. However, you do not want to go overboard. Knowing how often to post information can be confusing and it can depend on a variety of things, such as whether you are posting on social media or on your website. The following information will help you determine how often you should post in order to succeed.

Social Media

Keeping an active presence on social media profiles is very important. If you do not stay active, then customers are likely to pick another business when looking for local products and services. However, if you post too much, you might leave your followers feeling overwhelmed which could result in them giving you a negative reputation. If you post too much for too long, they will most likely stop following you. Neither scenario is going to be good for your business.

Over the last few years, studies have been conducted to see how often a business should post on social media. The results showed that it differs by network. However, there is one thing that is clear: no matter what network it is, you should post often in order to be successful. This is due to the fact that most social media networks use algorithms to decide which content shows up on your follower’s news feeds. Studies have been conducted on the following well-known social media networks and the results are as follows:

  • Facebook: Pages with more than 10,000 followers should post twice a day while pages with less than 10,000 followers can benefit from posting every other day for maximum engagement.
  • Twitter: Posting 1-5 times a day will generate most clicks, likes, and retweets. However, due to the volume-centric nature of Twitter, tweeting 20 times a day will not negatively impact your efforts.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn is mainly effective for business-to-business industries where it can generate up to 4 times as many clicks to your website as Facebook or Twitter. In order to get these kinds of results, you will need to be strategic in your post strategy. If you want to succeed, do not post on the weekend and aim to post about once per weekday.
  • Instagram: Posting about one time per day at the most seems to be enough to cause engagement from your audience, which can maximize productivity as a result.


Social media is not the only way that businesses inform current and potential customers about the products they sell and services they offer. The company’s website is an important way for businesses to introduce their products and services, as well as keep customers updated.

Starting a blog can be tough and requires strategic planning that involves figuring out what to post and how to promote it. You need to ask yourself, “Will my content resonate with and satisfy my customers?” Not to mention how often you should post, which can make or break even the utmost of content. There is a lot of information on why it is important to blog; however, there is not much data regarding how often it should be done because it depends on what is best for your company.

How often should you blog?

Many smaller businesses have found success posting one to four times a week, whereas larger businesses are able to daily or sometimes even multiple daily posts. If you are a marketing team of one, then do not feel like you have to continuously post content. If you do, you could find yourself getting burned out and pumping out content that is not useful to you or your customers. You do, however, want to make sure that you keep a schedule when blogging. It is very important because it builds organic traffic and helps with brand awareness.

  • Organic traffic

If you want to increase visits to your website, then blogging is vital for SEO. If you are already posting important information, then it might be beneficial to update that content. Blog post traffic gains organic growth over time, which is why it is important to update your posts. Doing so will give you more reads, more recognition, and could even produce more fans.

If you are aiming to raise traffic numbers and increase the number of times people click to view your website and content, then you want to post often. Since you want to post as often as you can, then think of content that will educate your audience. For small blogs, try to post new blogs 3-4 times a week. For large blogs, aim for new and updated posts 4-5 times a week.

  • Brand awareness

Since Google can look over every page of a website for SEO, every blog that you post have the opportunity to increase not only optimization but also awareness of your brand. In order to build brand loyalty, be sure to come up with high-quality content. When you come up with content that includes images, keywords, and industry-relevant information, you are increasing your brand awareness.

When your main goal is to bring awareness to your brand, the key is to diversify content. Come up with ways that blog posts can highlight your brand and help define it. Since your goal is to build a voice for your business, then you do not need to post as often. For small blogs, shoot for 1-2 new posts per week. For larger posts, try to post new and updated posts 3-4 times per week.

It’s not always easy to stay on top of posting, whether it is on social media or on your company’s website. If you are a one-man marketing team, it can make it even more difficult. If you ever find yourself in a jam or need advice in regard to the number of times you should post or what type of content you should talk about, contact the team at Intergetik on our website. We strive to help our partners in achieving their goals. We want to help you become successful!