5 Ways to Stay Up to Date on Marketing Trends

5 Ways to Stay Up to Date on Marketing Trends

The saying “knowledge is power” rings true in many aspects of life, especially when it comes to running a business. Staying on top of marketing trends is an important part of helping your business thrive and reaching your target audience. It can be the difference between success and failure. However, as a business owner you are constantly busy and with the amount of information out there you might find yourself a little overwhelmed. With the constantly changing digital landscape, it can be hard to keep up with your competition and stay in front of rising trends.

 Nevertheless, you understand that you must keep up to date. So, how are you going to stay in the know and keep your sanity? The following are five different places as well as helpful tips to stay on track with strategic marketing trends. 

  1.     Social Media

Social media provides a diverse online community from all over the world. It is also a great place to stay up to date on emerging marketing trends. With social media, you can connect with colleagues, former classmates, and professionals in your industry. Another way to stay informed is by following the pages of top executives from brands you respect and by creating a Twitter list complete with influencers. Even more so, follow influencers on Instagram, join Facebook groups, or Slack communities that are related to your industry or field. By doing so, you will notice your newsfeed fill up with up-to-date marketing information.

  1.     Trade Associations and Industry Conferences

If you want a way to connect with other professionals who are both within your field and outside of it, consider joining a trade organization or an industry conference. You will gain valuable insight that shows what others in your field are doing to revolutionize their business or brand. You will also learn from the best practices of other industries. Not only this, but many associations will invite speakers for seminars that can help you remain ahead of the curve. 

  1.     Google Alerts

 If you do not already have Google Alerts, don’t fret. It is easy and free! If you already have a Google email, you can set up Google Alert for certain keywords or phrases. By doing so, you will automatically get an email notification when Google finds a new search engine result on that specific topic. Google Alerts is a great way to track certain products and service areas, as well as stay on top of the latest marketing trends on your own terms. 

  1.     Industry Blogs and Newsletters

Blogs about marketing include great information of up-and-coming trends, new data, best practices, and other pertinent industry news that help you stay current with little effort. If you visit certain blogs or websites often, consider signing up for their e-newsletter if they have one. You will receive all the information you ever wanted right in your inbox. 

  1.     Your Team

Whether you realize it or not, you already have direct access to individuals who have a wealth of knowledge. Who are they? Your employees! If your employees are as passionate about seeing your business succeed as you are, then they will already be on the lookout for emerging marketing trends. Create a forum where your employees can share information about your industry. This can be through an internal blog or weekly newsletter. 


It is not always easy to stay up to date with the latest trends in marketing. That’s why we have created this list of ideas for you to try out. The team at Intergetik Marketing Solutions is here to help. If you have questions regarding how you can stay up to date, don’t hesitate to contact us!