Cold Calls – An Effective Marketing Strategy!

The most effective marketing strategies are those that are targeted toward a specific audience, focusing on their point of view and interests. When a business meets an audience on a personal level they may be more likely to be attentive and interested in the message being delivered. 

One way to market a business and reach potential customers on a personal level is through cold calls – calling a person in an attempt to convince them to purchase a product or utilize a business’s service. Some may say that cold calls are an old attempt and are no longer a good marketing tool; however, according to ValueSelling Associates, phone calls are the #2 most successful methods for business-to-business sales. If used in a strategic way, cold calling can still be a highly effective form of marketing.

The purpose of a cold call is to engage a person into a conversation regarding their needs and determine if they have a need for what a business is selling or offering as a service. The main goal of calling potential customers isn’t necessarily to push a product or service initially but to introduce them to what a business is offering in hopes that it may lead to scheduling a meeting where they can meet one on one and can have any of their questions or concerns answered before making their decision.

Customers want to hear about solutions to their everyday problems and the more a customer knows about a product or service and how it can help them in their everyday lives, the more likely they are to make a purchase.

For cold calling to work as a successful marketing tool, a business should be well-prepared by adequately researching their intended target market. When a business understands its intended market it will be easier to create a contact list with people who match that criterion. 

Analysis and research through access to the internet and its resources can be a great option to help assist a business in finding the right target audience. Tools such as Google and Bing can be especially helpful in identifying target markets, test strategies and prospects. Utilize these search engines by asking questions like the ones below:

  • Who is Your Target Customer?
  • What is their Demographic Information?
  • What problems can your business or product solve for a potential customer?

Once the target audience is reached it’s best to then determine the best time to make the call – time is everything, not only for when the call is made but also for how long. Most people have specific times of the day that they are busy and unavailable which is why it’s best to plan cold calls accordingly and avoid those busy times in order to prevent calls being ignored or missed.

Cold calls can truly work if used effectively. Remember to research and determine the right target audience and that timing is everything! If you require additional information on cold calls or if you have any questions about how we at Intergetik Marketing Solutions can help, please feel free to contact our office at (314)749-0492.